I’m not Wylde! I’m just slightly Peeved!

Tis actually a nice little walk in a local park, I reckon I just caught it lookin all dramatic and moody, it was probably annoyed with the squirrels!

Gate Ā©LeeThornberry 2012

So I stuffed it into the wylde woods cat on the old blog. Can be viewed biggerer on the website, funnily enough in the wylde woods set. Cheers ears šŸ™‚

25 Replies to “I’m not Wylde! I’m just slightly Peeved!”

  1. I don’t know how you’ve processed this (and am interested to know!) but it looks more like a woodcut than an engraving – wonderfully atmospheric!

    1. Cheers! It was given initial treatment in lightroom. Exposure, contrast etc etc. Then further processed in silver effex pro 2 for the tonal adjustments. Thanks šŸ™‚

  2. Hiya!! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Awardā€¦I so enjoy your photography!!

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